E004 - Credit Cards, Microsoft Word, and more...
In this episode of FileMaker Fanatics, John Morina, Marianne Carroll, Scott Rose, Aaron Schacht, and Tony White talk about CardSwipe, credit card technology, using the FMP URL Protocol for inter-application communication on iOS, integrating with Microsoft Word, and the often overlooked "View as Table" feature.
Show Notes and Timestamp Links
John Morina talks about CardSwipe http://www.ccqfm.com/cardswipe/index.html and credit card technologies
Using the FMP URL Protocol for inter-application communication on iOS
FMP URL protocol http://www.twdesigns.com/fmp_url_protocol/
PCI certification challenges
Scott predicts a strong future for Bitcoin
Published author Marianne Carroll talks about FileMaker, Microsoft Word and how she got started with FileMaker
Options when you need more word processing features...
Sometimes you need inter-application communication
Send DDE Execute (Windows) http://www.filemaker.com/help/14/fmp/en/html/scripts_ref1.35.167.html#1113132 and Send Event http://www.filemaker.com/help/14/fmp/en/html/scripts_ref1.35.170.html#1147770
Half of the work of a project is clearly specifying how things work and exactly what needs to be built
Scott plugs the Scribe plug-inhttp://360works.com/filemaker-pdf-plugin/
FileMaker is a much better database that Microsoft Word...or Excel ;-)
Google Docs is a anther option to consider
Exporting from FileMaker to Excel is easy, and often a valid use case
The often overlooked View as Table feature
Is there a FileMaker Fanatics litmus test?
Tony shares a FileMaker Top 10 tip
Closing notes
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